By the Sheet

We love doing the super custom jobs, we really do! However, we have learned what that we enjoy most (and maybe the thing we are best at) is find the most elegant way to manufacture. We want to make 1000, and we love to think about and build that process that makes each one efficiently and perfectly. It satisfying to invest a little time up front building some fixtures and workflows to then really be able to step back and watching the machine do work.

If you are looking for affordable and high quality engraving services, we’re your guys. We look forward to quoting your next job! General — Contact Us

Rum and PLINKO!

Customer: Newport Craft Brewing and Distilling

Thomas Tew Rum is distilled in Newport, named after our very own, very infamous pirate.

This is was one of the largest graphics we’ve run on our CO2 laser to date and it the perfect opportunity to use both of our big boy CNC and Laser Cutter in tandem. We drilled and cut just about everything on the CNC and then used our laser cutter to engrave logos on the board and the chips.

We were after the natural, distressed oak barrel look and stumbled on a pretty cool technique in the process. As it turns out, I’d you get your depth settings dialed in, you can actually engrave right past the stain, revealing the original lighter surface.

You can get one just like it here.